Perking up the Playground Plants
The newly rejuvenated Eastwood Riparians met for a workday led by Michael Parkey at the Dixon Branch Greenbelt Park on Lippitt. Check out what they did!
The main focus was on the reforestation area and pollinator garden near the picnic table on the mound. A giant tree had fallen there a few years ago. We used the brush to help protect saplings that arose from scattered acorns and pecans. The city took the brush away, exposing the area to sunlight that caused weeds to grow up madly. Volunteers cleared out the overgrowth, but we’ll have to stay after it once spring growth starts.

The next Eastwood Riparian Restoration Day:
- March 22 Sat. at 10 am: leader Amy Martin of Wild DFW
- park on Creekmere between Overglen and Creekmere Circle
Open up the greenbelt riparian woods trails from fallen trees and branches. Liberate a grove of very cool rusty blackhaw viburnum from the clutches of invasive Amur honeysuckle and Chinese privet. Brainstorm expansion of the woods trails. Open up the greenbelt riparian woods trails from fallen trees and branches. Liberate a grove of very cool rusty blackhaw viburnum from the clutches of invasive Amur honeysuckle and Chinese privet. Brainstorm expansion of the woods trails. Wear sturdy footwear (no flipflops) and work gloves. Long pants preferred; overshirt suggested. Bring loppers, clippers, and shears.
Don’t miss this fun event:
Spring Equinox Dixon Branch Greenbelt Walk
- March 19 Wed. – 6:30 to 7:30 pm (sunset 7:38 pm)
- Gather on Creekmere between Sylvania and Overglen
Amy Martin, author of the best-selling Wild DFW: Explore the Amazing Nature Around Dallas-Fort Worth , is a long-time Eastwood resident. She is known for leading adventurous and fun-spirited walks. She helps hikers read the land, understand the local ecology, and show where wildlife thrives and why. She might identify a plant or two and will help you use iNaturalist and other apps to do so on your own. You will learn why to hate privet and Amur honeysuckle as much as she does. Join her for an after-work walk in the Dixon Branch Greenbelt in celebration of Spring Equinox. Wear sturdy footwear (no flipflops); long-pants preferred.