Spring Equinox Dixon Branch Greenbelt Walk – March 19 Wed.
Spring Equinox Dixon Branch Greenbelt Walk
March 19 Wed. – 6:30 to 7:30 pm (sunset 7:38 pm)
Gather on Creekmere between Sylvania and Overglen

Celebrate Spring Equinox with Amy Martin, author of Wild DFW: Explore the Amazing Nature Around Dallas-Fort Worth, a long-time Eastwood resident. She is known for leading adventurous and fun-spirited walks. She helps hikers read the land, understand the local ecology, and show where wildlife thrives and why. She might identify a plant or two and will help you use iNaturalist and other apps to do so on your own. You will learn why you should hate privet and Amur honeysuckle as much as she does. Join her for an after-work walk in the Dixon Branch Greenbelt in celebration of Spring Equinox. Wear sturdy footwear (no flipflops or Crocs); long-pants preferred.