Eastwood Riparian Restoration Day – March 22 Sat
Eastwood Riparian Restoration Day
- March 22 Sat. at 10 am
- leader Amy Martin of Wild DFW
- park on Creekmere between Overglen and Creekmere Circle
The goal: Make the greenbelt riparian woods trails sing again!

- Liberate a grove of very cool rusty blackhaw viburnum from the clutches of invasive Amur honeysuckle and Chinese privet.
- Create anti-erosion dirt dams by using stakes to make stacks of trimmed up invasives.
- Move mounds of cut brush to the curb for pick up.
- Brainstorm expansion of the woods trails.
Wear sturdy footwear (no flipflops or Crocs) and work gloves. Long-pants preferred; overshirt suggested. Bring loppers, clippers, and shears. If you would like to get on the Eastwood Riparian list, send your email here.

What’s an invasive in Eastwood and why should you care? Learn more in this article by Amy.