Eastwood Riparian: Park Prep for Easter Egg Hunt + exciting naturalist news!
Eastwood Riparian just wrapped up a Sunday workday at Playground Park (Lippit/Sylvania at Sinclair), getting it ready for the Easter Egg Hunt on March 25 Sunday, 1 to 2 pm (NEW TIME). We picked up litter, cut any noxious plants we could find and marked places eggs should not be hidden. So we are good to go! After the hunt, enjoy pictures with the Easter Bunny (NEWS!), socializing with refreshments, and games for kids including skeeball, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and hula hoops.

Join with Eastwood Riparian for workdays (exercise + good deeds = greatness!), or donate money or supplies, by contacting Michael Parkey. For more about Eastwood Riparian, read here.