Peavy/Mockingbird Bridge Demolition & Reconstruction
The Mockingbird/Peavy bridge over Buckner was built in 1960 and carries about 10,000 vehicles a day. That’s expected to climb to about 15-20,000 in a few years. Its condition is not good and is also lower than modern Texas Department of Transportation height regulations.
So away it goes!
The northern half of the bridge is slated for demolition Friday night into Saturday morning. The bridge and all access to Loop 12 from that intersection will be closed for the duration of the demolition over the weekend. Also, northbound and southbound traffic traveling on Loop 12 will be diverted. There will be no traffic allowed on Buckner under the Peavy/Mockingbird bridge. Details and detour map, below.
After the north-half demolition, traffic will be reduced to two lanes on the remaining southern half. Once the north is done, they’ll push traffic onto the new section and demolish the southern half. Ramp access to Buckner going north and south will be eliminated in one direction or the other for various periods of time. Construction of the new bridge will take at least 4 months.
Expect delays and seek alternate routes if possible. Motorists can click here to sign up for additional road updates.
Bridge Details
The bridge will remain four lanes, but the two outer lanes will be 14-feet wide, as opposed the normal 10 or 11-feet wide These are called shared-use lanes and are to be used by both motorists and fast cyclists.
The sidewalks will be widened to 8-feet, 6-inches wide, making it easier for those east of Buckner to reach the lake. The bridge and associated sidewalks will be ADA compliant with ramps.
Total width of the existing bridge is 56 feet, 9 inches with four 12-foot lanes and two barely 3-foot sidewalks. Total width of the new bridge will be 74 feet.
Detour Routes
- LOOP 12 BUCKNER BLVD. (northbound)
All traffic traveling Northbound will be forced to exit Loop 12 to the Peavy Exit ramp.
Northbound traffic can access Loop 12 again by continuing through the intersection and follow the entrance ramp to Loop 12
- LOOP 12 BUCKNER BLVD. (southbound)
All traffic traveling Southbound will be forced to exit Loop 12 to the Mockingbird Exit ramp.
Southbound traffic can access Loop 12 again by continuing through the intersection and follow the entrance ramp to Loop 12
Mockingbird traffic traveling East must turn right at the bridge. Traffic can access South Loop 12 and access Peavy Rd. by detouring left on Northcliff Dr. for .2 miles to Peavy Rd.
Peavy traffic traveling West must turn right at the bridge. Traffic can access North Loop 12 and access Mockingbird Rd. by detouring left on E Lawther Dr, on N Loop 12 Service Rd. for .3 miles to Mockingbird Ln.