New ENA Website in Progress
ENA is working very hard to rebuild our membership, website and newsletter system from the ground up.
It’s not there yet.
Having to do so because our old combined system, Wild Apricot, raised it’s price to about $1500.00 per year. Plus, we paid plenty in fees to their online bank, credit card companies, and PayPal. We just can’t afford that!
However, a board member of Junius Heights Neighborhood Association tipped us off to a membership system called Zeffy that is made for non-profits like us. What’s so amazing is that it costs us nothing for the software and there are no fees! We get 100% of your membership fees and other donations!
All they ask is a tiny percentage on top of your donation so they can keep doing this for non-profits around the world. Seems more than fair.
So, our webmaster Scooter Smith is setting Zeffy up and rebuilding the website from the one he built and Amy Martin wrote in 2016 that we used until we went with Apricot. And, he’s rebuilt our email newsletter with Mail Chimp which costs us a bit over $13. per month. As done prior to Apricot, Scooter and Amy are donating website hosting and domain fees.
Bottom line: much better and much less expensive!!
So, patience, neighbor! The new system will be up and running soon.