Speakers for Northeast Nonprofits Meetings
Compiled by Amy Martin. This list will be updated periodically. To be considered for inclusion, send an email. Speakers based in or with connections to East Dallas preferred.
Last edit: August 16, 2018
- City of Dallas: Services
- City of Dallas: Crime & Safety
- City of Dallas: Culture
- City of Dallas: Environment
- City of Dallas: Parks & Recreation
- Civic Engagement
- Dallas County
- East Dallas: History & Current
- East Dallas: White Rock Lake
- Education
- Food
- Gardening
- Health
- Legal
- Media
- Nature & Environment
- NonProfits
- Personal Growth
- Pets
- Weather
- Some groups and individuals have minimum attendance requirements.
- Most of the talks are free, but some speakers seek permission to sell books/etc.
- Providing projection capability for Powerpoint presentations is greatly appreciated.
City of Dallas: Services
How to make 311 work for your neighborhood regarding on-emergency services such as graffiti removal, recycling, code violations, animal control and bulk trash. 311 via website, app and phone. Most frequent and most unusual 311 reports. Powerpoint available. Handouts.
- Contact: Stephen Walker, 311 Engagement Coordinator: Stephen.walker@dallascityhall.com, 214-671-8057 OR dallas311@dallascityhall.com, (214) 670-3111
- Web: http://dallascityhall.com/services/311/Pages/default.aspx
Dallas City Hall on the Go
City Hall on the Go van can provide any of the services that 311 offers over the telephone, such report a pot hole, a loose dog, a code concern or illegal dumping, plus help people with other municipal matters such as birth certificates, garage sale permits, or register their animals.
- Contact: Stephen Walker, 311 Engagement Coordinator: Stephen.walker@dallascityhall.com, 214-671-8057 OR cityhallonthego@dallascityhall.com, (214) 670-3111
- Web: http://dallascityhall.com/%20services/311/Pages/City-Hall-On-The-Go.aspx
- Info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=ySrCMqvdNIY
Code Compliance
Captain Codey, code compliance mascot character. Handouts.
- Contact: (214) 670-5708
- Web: http://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/Pages/default.aspx
- Info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=NWeF-KrKlOo
Other contacts:
Michelle Lowe – East Dallas neighborhood compliance officer: Michelle.lowe@dallascityhall.com
Neighborhood Vitality
Planning & Urban Design Department supports vibrant and sustainable neighborhoods..
Workshops and talks for groups that wish to become organized as NAs or HOAs:
- Creating a Neighborhood Brand
- Forming a Neighborhood Association
- How to Navigate City Services
- Member Recruitment & Sustainability
- Operation Beautification
- Partnership Development
- Contact: Sandra Bowie, (214) 671.9565
- Web: https://dallascityhall.com/departments/pnv/Pages/CapacityBuilding.aspx
Recycling (on site)
FCC Environmental, which operates processes the recycling for Dallas Sanitation Services, offers tours of their facility.
- Contact: FCCMRFTours@fccenvironmental.com, (469) 620-0971
- Web: http://fccenvironmental.com/2017/06/20/fcc-material-recycling-facility-city-dallas/
- Info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skrA0iOhw2c
Trash, Recycling & Waste Reduction
Sanitation Services presentations on:
- Composting
- Recycling and Waste Reduction
- Brush/Bulk Garbage Collections
- Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
Powerpoint, handouts, and giveaways.
- Contact: Danielle McClelland: (214) 670-3555.
- Web: http://www.dallascityhall.com/sanitation/sanitation.html
Other contacts:
Shawndrea Smith – Dallas Zero Waste: shawndrea.smith@dallascityhall.com
Dallas Water Utilities, Water Conservation presentations on:
- General water conservation
- Outdoor water conservation
- Indoor water conservation
Powerpoint available. Handouts.
- Contact: Melinda Magana, Outreach Specialist: melinda.magana@dallascityhall.com
- Web: https://savedallaswater.com/participation-request-form/
City of Dallas: Crime & Safety
Dallas Fire-Rescue
In addition to firefighter recruiting, they offer these popular presentations:
- Fire Safety/Prevention
- The Life as a Firefighter
- Contact: Jason L. Evans, Public Information Officer: (214) 670-4564? jason.evans@dallascityhall.com / DFRPIOquestions@dallascityhall.com.
- Web: http://www.dallasfirerescue.com/public_information.html
Dallas Fire-Rescue Stations
Schedule a Fire Station Tour
- Contact: Fire-Rescue front desk: 214-670-5466
- Web: http://www.dallasfirerescue.com/fire_station_tours.html
Community Police Officer presentations
The Community Engagement Unit (CEU) at your nearby patrol substation can assist you and your neighborhood with developing a crime watch group, VIP program (Volunteer In Patrol), crime prevention presentations, discuss with you other ways that you can assist your community such as CHIPS (Citizens Helping in Parking Solutions) and COPS (Citizens Offering Police Support).
- Contact: Northeast Patrol Division: 214-670-7747
- Web: http://www.dallaspolice.net/division/northeast/communityengagementunit
Crime Watch Executive Board
A liaison between members of the community and the Dallas Police that maximizes crime prevention efforts by providing support and education.
- Contact: cwebdallas@gmail.com
- Web: https://dallascweb.org/
City of Dallas: Culture
Friends of the Bath House Cultural Center
Talks by support group of art deco swimming facility transformed into cultural center, sharing their passion for the center’s mission. Overview of offerings in art, theater, music, and more, and annual community celebrations.
Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs
Representatives speak on the City of Dallas’ efforts to encourage appreciation of the visual and performing arts through its Dallas Cultural Plan, Public Art Program, and 23 city-owned cultural facilities, including the Bath House Cultural Center and those in the downtown Dallas Arts District.
- Contact: (214) 670-3687
- Web: https://dallasculture.org
City of Dallas: Environment
Office of Environmental Quality
Green Team presentation can be combined to cover the amount of time available. Powerpoint available. Handouts.
- Air Quality
- Alternative Commutes
- Alternative Fuels and Vehicles
- Climate Change
- Community or Urban Gardens
- Composting
- Defend Your Drains/Cease the Grease
- Energy Conservation
- Greening Your Business
- Health and Environment
- Illegal Dumping
- Impacts of Litter
- Pollution Prevention
- Protecting Rivers/Aquatic Life
- Sustainability
- Trees/Forestry
- Trinity River
- Water Conservation
- Contact: (214) 670-1200, GreenDallas@dallascityhall.com
- Web: http://greendallas.net/event-request/
City of Dallas: Parks & Recreation Dept.
Presentations on Aquatics, Community Engagement, Park Services, Recreation, and Senior Programs.
- Contact: 214-670-4100
- Web: https://www.dallasparks.org/FormCenter/Media-Forms-3/Speakers-Bureau-Request-Form-98
City of Dallas: Urban Biologist
Live presentations with Powerpoint by Brett Johnson, City of Dallas urban biologist. How Dallas Parks & Recreation is enhancing the habitat for urban wildlife while providing benefits for residents. Adopt-a-prairie programs and other ways of citizen involvement.
- White Rock Lake Prairies
- White Rock Creek Corridor
- Pollinator Management in Dallas Parks
- Dallas Park and Recreation Conservation Efforts
- Feral Hog Ecology
- Pollinator Conservation and Management
- Prairie Ecology and Management
- Unique Natural Features in Dallas Parks
- Urban Wildlife and Ecology
- Wildlife in Dallas Parks
- Contact:
- Web: https://tx-dallasparks.civicplus.com/FormCenter/Contact-Us-5/Urban-Biologist-Speaker-Request-Form-93
- Info: http://www.dallasparks.org/476/Urban-Biologist
Civic Engagement
Citizen Government
Dale Long, now retired from being a Community Outreach Coordinator/Public Information Officer for the City of Dallas, speaks on how to have an opportunity to create and shape the policies and regulations and laws that we all much abide by serving on city committees, commissions and boards, attending public hearings, and participating in outreach.
- Contact: dale1906@verizon.net,
- Web: http://www.bbbstx.org/dallas/
Dallas County
Dallas County Commissioner District 1
Dallas County Commissioner Teresa Daniel is available to speak at neighborhood associations. They can also arrange for Dallas County staff to address specific issues such as trails, road projects or health and human services concerns.
- Contact: 214-653-6668
- Web: https://www.dallascounty.org/department/comcrt/district1/home.php
Dallas County Commissioner of District 2
Dallas County Commissioner Mike Cantrell of District 2 is available to speak at neighborhood associations.
- Contact: Mike.Cantrell@dallascounty.org, (214) 589-7060
- Web: http://www.dallascounty.org/department/comcrt/district2/cantrell.php
Dallas County Elections
Speakers from the county entity that organizes and supervises elections can speak on voter registration, the voting process, ballots are counted, and where to find election results. Dallas County Elections cannot participate in candidate forums or discussions, or be around rallies or candidate demonstrations.
- Contact: dallascountyvotes@dallascounty.org, 214-819-6300
- Web: https://www.dallascountyvotes.org
Dallas County Health & Human Services
- Contact: renae.crutchfield@dallascounty.org, 214-819-6329
- Web: https://www.dallascounty.org/department/hhs/home.html
East Dallas: History & Current
Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce
The chamber presents talks on how it promotes business and the many vibrant events and activities that the area’s businesses foster either by hosting or supporting.
Preservation Dallas
Executive director executive director, David Preziosi presents talks about historic preservation in Dallas and the mission of Preservation Dallas.
- Contact: irene@preservationdallas.org, 214.821.3290
- Web: http://www.preservationdallas.org/
Sally Rodriguez
The author of White Rock Lake Revisited offers talks on East Dallas history.
- History of White Rock Lake
- History of Fair Park
- Little Known Histories and Scandals of the Dallas Park System
- New Deal Projects in Dallas Parks
- White Rock Lake
- New Deal Projects in Dallas Parks
- Contact: salrodrig.sr@gmail.com
- Web: https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/Products/9781467131179
East Dallas: White Rock Lake
For the Love of the Lake
TBA: no reply as of 5.13.18
- Contact:
- Web: http://www.whiterocklake.org/
Sam Leake
A founder of White Rock Rowing, and namesake of the Sam S. Leake Boathouse, speaks on White Rock Lake, focusing on the redevelopment and adaptation of the Municipal Boathouse, circa 1930, the 1911 Pumphouse and the 1922 Filter Building into rowing and paddling facilities.
- Contact: samboleake@gmail.com, 469 323 6609 or 214 532 6827
- Web: http://www.whiterockrowing.org/
White Rock Lake Conservancy
The mission of the Conservancy, founded in 2008, is to enhance the identity, beauty and safety of White Rock Lake, and support the improvement of the hike and bike trails, buildings and park areas. Speakers address plans and projects at the lake.
- Contact: email, 214-402-5714
- Web: http://www.whiterockdallas.org/
- Info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsBgTj4yoDc
- Info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NTTeaC8ZrQ&t=48s
Andrea Amor
A professional with Brewerton Financial Services, she assists parents in finding ways to teach their children smart financial habits and avoid the pitfalls of managing money.
- Contact: abrewerton@ft.newyorklife.com, 469.346.5794
TBA: no reply as of 5.13.18
- Contact:
- Web: https://www.dallasisd.org/
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR): Pamela Benjamin
Advice for parents and students on how to prepare for getting children prepared for STAAR testing mandated by the Texas Education Agency.
- Contact: 913-940-6161
- Web: https://tea.texas.gov/student.assessment/staar/
Farmers’ Markets
Good Local Markets is a non-profit that operate the White Rock Farmers Market near Casa Linda and the Paul Quinn Farmers Market on the campus of Paul Quinn College in South Dallas. Our talk covers how farmers markets build community and increase education about eating locally and seasonally, plus support and strengthen local businesses, small farms, and artists by creating economic opportunity.
- Contact: Casey Cutler, Director, Good Local Markets: : (718) 223-0655, casey@goodlocalmarkets.org
- Web: https://www.goodlocalmarket.org/
Carol Leonardi Clark: Native Plants
Carol Clark is a Master Naturalist, Monarch Watch Conservation Specialist, Native Plant Society member, and wildlife enthusiast–whether that wildlife is large or small. She presents the following talks: “Monarch Waystations for North Texas,” Wildflowers of the Blackland Prairie,” and “Why Go Native?” She also co-administrates the Texas Native Bee Co-op Facebook page. Clark and her husband own and operate Clark Haven Farm, a wildlife preserve and custom wildflower seed business in Cooke County.
- Contact: carol@r-d-clark.com, 972 390-2882
Kato Crow: Gardening Tips from the Plant Whisperer:
A funny presentation by Kato Crow on becoming in tune with your garden, plus practical tips on plants and pets.
- Contact: 214.478.6907, digme@dfwplantwhisperer.com
- Web: http://dfwplantwhisperer.com/
Dallas Arboretum
Offers the following Powerpoint talks with handouts:
- All That’s New at The Diamond in Dallas —The Dallas Arboretum just keeps growing and expanding. This program highlights the many extraordinary new and planned additions and enhancements to our many gardens.
- The Diamond in Dallas — Displays the Arboretum’s beautiful gardens and lush lawns on the shores of White Rock Lake, its rich history, and current events that make the Arboretum a very special and ever-changing place to visit.
- The Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden — A treasure for parents and grandparents, too, this award-winning, 8-acre museum without walls is all about creatively learning about nature and the world around us through its 17 learning galleries and more than 150 extraordinary hands-on interactive exhibits.
- A Woman’s Garden — An in-depth descriptive presentation of this unique and symbolic garden and its artwork, conceived by the Women’s Council of the Dallas Arboretum.
- Sculpture at the Dallas Arboretum — A tour of the Arboretum’s many outdoor sculptures found throughout the grounds and information about each piece.
- Master Gardener on Wheels — The moving story of a Dallas Arboretum volunteer and gardener who overcame mobility limitations.
- Behind the Scenes at the Dallas Arboretum Trial Gardens — An engaging talk about the Arboretum’s extensive Trial Garden program, including a demonstration of live plants and a Q & A session.
- Trees at the Dallas Arboretum – This informative power point provides a beautiful photographic tour of the many and varied trees at the Dallas Arboretum.
- Contact: Margaret Duncan, Program Coordinator 972.270.1191, speakers@dallasarboretum.org.
- Web: http://www.dallasarboretum.org/visit/our-story/speakersbureau
Dallas County Master Gardener
Master Gardeners undergo 30 hours of training and must keep up to date with advanced training. Talks offered include:
- WaterWise Gardening
- Efficient Irrigation
- Beneficial Insects
- Pollination: Sex in the Garden
- Miracle of the Monarchs
- Soil Preparation
- Contact: dallasmg@ag.tamu.edu
- Web: Bureau https://dallas-tx.tamu.edu/dalls-county-master-gardener-speakers-bureau/
Randy Johnson: Native Plants & Edibles
Randy’s presentations include informative talks on such subjects as Native Plants Landscaping, Milkweed and Other Pollinator Plants, Composting and Soil Biology for Healthier Plants, and Edible and Organic Horticulture. He was formerly the Horticulture Manager at the Dallas Zoo and the Director of Horticulture at Texas Discovery Gardens, and is the Garden Consultant for the Lake Highland Community Garden.
- Contact: organicrandy@gmail.com, (214) 584-0565
- Web: https://www.facebook.com/Randy-Johnson-Organics-221012134600371/
- Info: http://public.ntmn.org/randy-johnson/
Native Plant Society of Texas: Dallas chapter
Experts in native plants are available to talk about pollinator gardens, pocket prairies, natives for shade, plant identification, landscaping with natives, water-conscious gardening, invasive species, attracting birds, bees and butterflies to your yard, and more.
- Contact: NPSOT.Dallas@gmail.com
- Web: https://npsot.org/wp/dallas/
Janet D. Smith: Landscaping for the 21st Century
The times they are a changing! The typical home landscape of a couple of shade trees, foundation plantings and lawns filling the rest of the property are so 1900’s. Learn how to update your landscape a bit at a time to incorporate plants that need less water and fewer chemicals and that provide habitat for pollinators, birds and other wildlife, all while enhancing the beauty of your property. Janet D. Smith is a long-time Dallas County Master Gardener, North Texas Master Naturalist, and Native Plant Society of Texas member.
- Contact: Janet D. Smith: 214-929-3844
- Web: https://dallas-tx.tamu.edu/educational-presentations-and-public-speaking/
Texas A&M AgriLife
Extension Service Program for Dallas County offers Educational Presentations and Public Speaking on these topics and more:
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Pollination (Sex in the Garden)
- Integrated Pest Management
- Horticulture
Chuck Walton: Gardening in East Dallas Shade & Blackland Soil
Chuck Walton, horticulturalist and owner of Walton’s Garden Center since 1986, speaks on coping with our clay soils and shade. Handouts and coupons.
- Contact: 214.321.2387, plants@waltonsgarden.com
- Web: http://waltonsgarden.com/wordpress/
Baylor Scott & White Health and Wellness Center
A team of community health educators can speak to a number of topics.
- Diabetes education
- Disease management & reducing health risks
- Healthy eating & nutrition counseling
- Managing stress
- Seniors’ health issues
- Staying active
- Understanding prescriptions
- Contact: Ashley Hutto: (214) 566-0862, Ashley.Hutto@BSWHealth.org
- Web: https://www.bswhealth.com/locations/health-and-wellness-center/programs/Pages/default.aspx
YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas
- Contact:
- Web: https://www.ymcadallas.org
Health Care Fraud: Ann. L. Williams
Ann L. Williams, investigator at the US attorney’s office in Plano, offers the following 30 minute PowerPoint presentations:
- Medicare fraud by providers
- Health-care fraud with a focus on identity theft, phishing, credit card fraud, and phone frauds.
- Contact: Ann.L.Williams, US attorney’s office: Ann.L.Williams@usdoj.gov
- Web: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndtx
Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
Talk and discussion on estate-planning, probate, powers of attorney, end of life matters.
- Contact: Katherine Brownell, Legal Aid of Northwest Texas, 214.728.4044
- Web: https://internet.lanwt.org/about/practiceareas
Please see Practice Areas for further experts in their fields: https://internet.lanwt.org/about/practiceareas
Paul Zoltan
Silence is Golden know-your-rights talk and discussion on immigration law, Fifth and Fourth Amendment rights.
- Contact: Paul Zoltan: 214.320.3400
- Web: http://www.zoltanlaw.com/outreach
Patti Fink
Patti Fink has engaged in LGBT activism in Dallas community for about 20 years and is a founding and current member of the City of Dallas’ LGBT Task Force, serving as its policy chair. She speaks on the state of LGBT rights in Dallas or anything related and can organize discussion panel around specific topics.
- Contact: Patti Fink: pattifink@gmail.com, (214) 418-6019
- Web: http://dallascityhall.com/government/Pages/city_council_committees.aspx
KDFW-TV FOX (ch. 4)
Reach out to your favorite on-air talent to inquire about their availability as a speaker.
KERA-TV PBS (ch. 13) / KERA-FM NPR (ch. 13)
Reach out to your favorite on-air talent to inquire about their availability as a speaker.
KTVT-TV CBS (ch. 11)
Reach out to your favorite on-air talent to inquire about their availability as a speaker.
KXAS-TV NBC (ch. 5)
Hear from your favorite on-air talent about sports, weather, and more.
WFAA-TV ABC (ch. 8)
Hear from your favorite on-air talent about sports, weather, and more.
Nature & Environment
911 Wildlife
Professional humane animal control company offers talks on how residents can live peacefully with urban wildlife.
- Critters in the Garden: armadillos, cottontail rabbits, opossums and raccoons
- Feathered Friends & Foes: chimney swifts, barn swallows, egrets and other urban birds
- Wild Neighbors: Situations & Solutions: coyotes, foxes, bobcats, raccoons and opossums
- Contact: 214.368.5911
- Web: http://www.911wildlife.com/events/
Audubon Society
Presentations on birds and avian habitat vary by season and volunteer availability. Also talks on Cedar Ridge Preserve, Dogwood Canyon Nature Center, and Trinity River Audubon Center.
- Contact: audubondallasbirders@gmail.com
- Web: https://www.audubondallas.org/
North Texas Master Naturalists
Citizen scientists speaking on nature. Presentations on birds and avian habitat vary by season and volunteer availability.
- Contact: Karen Helms: speakers@ntmn.org
- Web: http://public.ntmn.org/
Poison Ivy: Amy Martin
Long-time area journalist Amy Martin offers a humorous hour-long talk — 13 Things You Need to Know About Poison Oak & Ivy — from her book Itchy Business: How to Treat the Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Rash, Prevent Exposure and Eradicate the Plant. Extensive Q&A,
- Contact: Amy Martin: author@itchy.biz
- Web: http://itchy.biz/
- Info: https://www.facebook.com/ItchyBusiness/
Sierra Club of Dallas
Presentations on area environmental issues and natural opportunities vary by season and volunteer availability.
Texas Parks
Wendel Withrow, author of The Best in Tent Camping: Texas: A Guide for Car Campers Who Hate RVs, Concrete Slabs, and Loud Portable Stereos, presents Exploring the Great Parks of Texas.
- Contact: wendel@withrowlaw.com, 214 287 1046
- Web: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0897326849
Big Brothers / Big Sisters
Devoted for decades to the youth-mentoring group, Dale Long does a 15-minute presentation on the youth mentoring program. Volunteers call or email weekly, and meet in person twice a year, to keep a youth in school and guide them into higher education, inquire on their well being and achievements at school, and provide informational resources provided by the group.
- Contact: dale1906@verizon.net,
- Web: http://www.bbbstx.org/dallas/
Personal Growth
Michael McElhenie, PhD
Speaks on helping leaders develop skills to transform themselves and their organizations using conscious change techniques.
- Contact: michael@beingfirst.com, 214.693.4050
- Web: https://www.beingfirst.com/
Veronica Valles
Presentations on meditation and conscious living with a focus on teaching coping skills to children.
- Contact: veronicavalles333@gmail.com
- Web: https://www.veronicavalles.com/
Dallas Animal Services
TBA: no reply as of 5.13.18
Dallas Pets Alive
Dallas Pets Alive helps the healthy and treatable pets who are at risk of euthanasia at Dallas Animal Services by rescuing the pets at greatest risk. They help owners who are having problems so great that they need to surrender their pet(s) to a shelter. Talks include:
- Animal rescue
- Challenges facing Dallas-area animal welfare organizations
- The No-Kill movement
- Responsible pet ownership
- Contact: info@dallaspetsalive.org
- Web: https://dallaspetsalive.org/
SPCA of Texas
Speakers address pet homelessness, city regulations, and solving behavioral issues that prompt folks to surrender their pets.
- Contact: Maura Davies mdavies@spca.org, 214.461.1814 or spca@spca.org, 214-742-7722
- Web: https://www.spca.org/
Humane Society of Dallas County
TBA: no reply as of 5.13.18
- Contact: 214-350-7387 , info@dognkittycity.org
- Web: https://dognkittycity.org
Spay Neuter Network
Talks cover most current city laws regarding pet ownership, pet resources available, and benefits of spay/neuter. Powerpoint available.
- Contact: 972-472-3500 ext. 105, bonniehill@spayneuternet.org
- Web: http://www.spayneuternet.org/
Texas Storm Chasers
NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador now offering interactive severe weather preparedness and educational talks/presentations to the DFW area and Central Texas, These presentations can be 20 minutes to 2 hours in length. Each presentation is customized for the venue and age group and can center around the following topics:
- Education on severe weather
- How to prepare for a severe weather event
- Review recent weather events and education on the forecast evolution
- General storm spotting/chasing
- And any other weather-related topics
- Contact: https://texasstormchasers.com/contact/
- Web: https://texasstormchasers.com/speaking-engagements/
- Info: https://texasstormchasers.com/