What’s Your Vision for Playground Park?
About a decade ago, Eastwood Neighborhood Association volunteers took on the mega task of rehabilitating the space at Sylvania/Lippitt and Sinclair that we now call Playground Park. Studies, plans, procedures, committees, permits, fundraising — it was a lot of work! But aren’t we all grateful they persisted?
Read more about the creation of Playground Park.
It’s time for leadership to arise again and improve our beloved park space. Many parents have expressed a need for playground equipment more appealing to kids under 6 years. A slide has been mentioned, as have crawling tunnels and mazes. The toddler playzone at Lakewood Park on Williamson has fun ideas. Here’s a Dallas Child review of area playgrounds.
An addition could be made by removing one of the current pieces, perhaps the climbing ball. Another would be to expand the playground pit so more pieces could be installed — a far more expensive proposition.
Be the person who enriches the Playground Park experience for generations to come. Become the 2018 vice-president of Eastwood Neighborhood Association. To step up and give to this great neighborhood, contact interim president Greg Jacobs.